ReTime Work Measurement Apps

ReTime apps, by ReThink Productivity, support the major study methodologies and make it easy
to take notes and capture images without interrupting your study.

Sign up for a four-week trial now


Activity Time Study – DOTS

Direct Observation to measure time taken for defined tasks and create the SMVs you need.


  • Consistency of approach – quickly add a new element or task as you see it and share it with the rest of the team
  • SMVs are auto-calculated in the ReTime web hub
  • The available ‘Study Stats’ report shows the maximum and minimum times recorded per element, as well as confidence levels
  • Prompts analysts to answer questions when studying
Activity Time Study on a tablet
  • Efficiency Study on a tablet

Efficiency Study – RAS

Capture data, record customer numbers and take photos and notes easily as you complete your data capture rounds.


  • Consistency of approach – quickly add a new element or task as you see it and share it with the rest of the team
  • Outputs are created in the content management system, showing all the usual data cuts available as graphs too
  • Prompt analysts to answer questions when studying


Role Study on a tablet

Role Study – DILO

Capture data, take photos and notes easily as you complete your role study.


  • Consistency of approach – quickly add a new element or task as you see it and share it with the rest of the team
  • Outputs are created in the content management system, showing all the usual data cuts available as graphs too
  • Prompts analysts to answer questions when studying